乌克兰驻美国大使亚历克斯.S. 奥克萨娜·玛卡洛娃向毕业生致辞. (摄影:Lee Pellegrini)

Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States 无人看管Markarova urged members of the 太阳城网赌平台 Class of 2023 to find their inner strength—as her country has done in its struggle against Russia—to fight for a just and fair world.

“自由不是与生俱来的. 机会不是与生俱来的. 民主不是既定的,” Markarova told the 校友 Stadium audience at Monday’s 毕业典礼 Exercises. “We all have many battles to fight in, many obstacles to overcome, many challenges to see through. 我们从哪里得到力量? In our responsibility to take action for what we love.

选择这样做吧, 在那一刻, 你会变得与众不同,”大使说。, who was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree in recognition of her “courageous and unwavering devotion” to her country and its people.


毕业典礼之后, 4,405 members of the Class of 2023 received their undergraduate and graduate degrees at separate ceremonies held around campus.


L-R standing: Herb Scannell '79, Sister Jeanne McGowan '90, Jerry York '67; seated: 卡特里娜·肖.S.W. 1998年,大学校长威廉. 莱希,年代.J.乌克兰驻美国大使.S. 无人看管Markarova. (李Pellegrini)

In addition to Markarova, the University presented honorary degrees to: 圣约瑟夫·珍妮·麦高恩修女.Ed. ’90费城拉萨尔学院院长; 赫伯·斯坎内尔,79年, a leader in broadcast media and diversity advocate; 卡特里娜·肖.S.W. ’98, a nonprofit leader and force for social justice in Boston and beyond; and retired BC men’s hockey coach 杰瑞·约克67年, one of the most successful coaches in NCAA history. 阅读荣誉学位引文.

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences student Huel (Trey) Cox III was honored as this year's recipient of the Edward H. 芬尼根的.J.,奖, presented to the graduating senior who best exemplifies the University’s motto, “永远追求卓越.玛丽·沃尔什(Mary Walsh),丹尼尔·E. Kearns Professor in Urban Education and Innovative Leadership at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, 收到圣罗伯特·贝拉明,S.J.,奖, which recognizes a distinguished 教师 member whose contributions have significantly advanced the mission of 太阳城网赌平台.

大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J., noted that 毕业典礼 is not only an occasion to offer appreciation—to parents, 配偶, 家庭, 朋友, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 捐助者, and others who contribute to students’ BC experiences—but to consider our response to compelling issues and events, 作为个人和全球社区的成员.

“Today we are especially mindful of the war in Ukraine, the thousands of soldiers and civilians on both sides killed in it, and the devastation it has caused for millions of people,他说.

自由不是与生俱来的. 机会不是与生俱来的. 民主不是既定的. We all have many battles to fight in, many obstacles to overcome, many challenges to see through. 我们从哪里得到力量? In our responsibility to take action for what we love.
无人看管Markarova, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States
Huel (Trey) Cox III获得Finnegan奖

BC总裁William P. 莱希,年代.J., presents Huel (Trey) Cox III of the Morrissey College of Arts and Science with the Edward H. 芬尼根的.J.,奖, as Board of Trustees chair John Fish looks on. (李Pellegrini)

Markarova pointed out that Monday marked 452nd day of Russia’s invasion of her country, which “many experts across the globe” had predicted would fall in three days. She touched on recent developments—including the liberation of Kherson and other towns in southern Ukraine and a “heroic stand” against Russian forces in the town of Bakhmut—as indicative of her country’s steadfastness: “Ukraine is still standing. 我们仍在战斗.”

The question she hears every day, said Markarova, is “what gives us strength?”—the title of a poem written more than a century ago by Ukrainian poet Lesia Ukrainka at a time when publishing in the Ukrainian language was punishable by prison. Ukrainka’s poem recounts the story of a poor carpenter in Jerusalem hired to construct crosses for the crucifixion of three criminals, 她说. 完成工作后, 木匠哀叹自己的命运, until he sees the three prisoners trying to carry the heavy crosses to the place of their execution. 木匠来帮助一个人, 说:“我把这个十字架做得这么重,他说, “拿着它是我的工作.”

她继续说道, 他挺直了脊背, 他的手臂恢复了往日的力量, and his eyes burn with determination as the carpenter bears Jesus’ cross to Golgotha.”

What gave the carpenter such strength, said Markarova, and what is the relevance to Ukraine today? She singled out three sources of strength for her and her people, 首先是责任. 乌克兰来之不易的民主”, 就像那个粗糙的十字架, 仍然笨拙, 有些地方很粗糙. 但这是我们的. 我们不能忍受失去它. Just like the carpenter in the story rose up to take the responsibility for his craft, 我们奋起反抗对我们民主的威胁.”

Kearns Professor Mary Walsh receives the Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J.,奖.

Kearns Professor Mary Walsh receives the Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J.,奖. (凯特琳Cunningham)

力量的另一个表现是采取行动, 马卡洛娃说:一旦木匠采取行动, 他从受害者变成了英雄. 类似的, 她说, 在俄国入侵的第一天, thousands of men flocked to military recruitment offices. Citizens began collecting donations and procuring military equipment for the army, while caring for those who had fled their cities and villages. 企业转移到更安全的地区. 软件程序员在防空洞里写代码. Teachers taught students in subway stations and food courts.

“That moment when you decide to act is when you stop being an ordinary person and become truly extraordinary,”她说。. “你擅长!”

爱, 继续Markarova, is the third source of strength (not as in “hearts and flowers,她补充道。, “although as a happily married woman I can tell you it helps, 太”). She cited many instances of love in this time of war: People sharing food and water with neighbors while sheltering together, 或者关心他人. 接纳乌克兰难民的国家. Those who supported aid for the wounded—psychologically as well as physically.

“这就是我们变得强大的方式. By being there for other people, so that they are there for us when we need it. 通过表达爱,给予爱,仅仅是爱. Loving our family, loving our country, loving each other.”

肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2023年5月